Towards the end of the first century, as a punishment for following Jesus, John was exiled to the remote Island of Patmos. While separated from his churches, he was given a vision that overwhelmed him. He recorded this vision and sent it back to his seven churches. . . . . .and to us.
The vision that John recorded has sparked controversy and misunderstanding ever since. Over and over again, it has been abused to explain current events. Some internet warriors are obsessed with the Book of Revelation, while other Christians refuse to read it because of the beasts, dragons, and judgments.
Some claim to know a lot about it but have never actually read it in one sitting like it was read to the early churches and is still supposed to be read today.
Is Revelation supposed to be scary? Or is it meant to give us hope?
Join us, as we go through this remarkable book, and see the power, the truth, and the love, flowing from the pages.
Revelation takes the themes from the rest of the Bible and concludes them in a beautiful and dramatic way. It shows the human condition, the problems of the world, the evil that exists, and the good that will triumph, in a way that no other piece of literature has ever come close.
After studying this book, you'll see that no human author could have come up with something so brilliant, and you'll be inspired to go further in your faith then you have ever gone before!

Join us in person
We hope that you'll join us this Sunday, at 10:00, at 227 N. Capitol Ave, in Downtown Lansing. It's a 15-minute drive from anywhere in the Lansing area.
On Sunday, there is free parking on the streets around the church, and in the parking garage directly behind the church. It says permit parking, but that is only during the week.